Online Highways Home > Missouri > Van Buren

Carter County

Search Van Buren Missouri

The county seat of Carter County, Missouri, is Van Buren. The county population on July 1, 1999, was 6,292, an increase of 777 over the 1990 census.

For information on county government, contact the National Association of Counties Web site.

Additional information is available at these pages:

Location: Van Buren Missouri

Other Missouri Counties nearby:
(Poplar Bluff) Butler County
(Van Buren) Carter County
(West Plains) Howell County
(Alton) Oregon County
(Centerville) Reynolds County
(Doniphan) Ripley County

03/16 Coming to The Van Buren area
Arkansas Scottish Festival Batesville AR April13-14 Located on the campus of Bates College, the festival kicks off with a celtic concert on Friday night and include bagpipe contests and highland dancing competitions.
National Championship Chuckwagon Races Clinton AR August31-September2 Chuckwagon Races, Snowy River Race, bronc fanning, music, concerts, camping, trail riding, western trade show, horse and mule clinics, seminars, and barn dances.
Arkansas Rice Festival Weiner AR October11-12 Observing the rich heritage of rice farming in Arkansas and celebrating harvest. See and old time rice threshing demonstration and the youth duck calling contest.