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Bear Paw Battlefield

Search Chinook Montana

One of three sites of the Nez Perce National Historic Park in Montana, the Bear Paw Battlefield is located 16 miles south of Chinook on Highway 240. At this site, Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce surrendered on October 5, 1877, after a 1300 mile retreat. It was here that Chief Joseph made his eloquent speech of surrender, stating, "From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever."

Interpretive signs and markers recount the events of this historic battle.

Location: PO Box 26, Chinook Montana 59523 Telephone 406-357-3130

Other History nearby:
(Chinook) Bear Paw Battlefield
(Chinook) Blaine County Museum
(Havre) Fort Assinniboine
(Harlem) Fort Belknap Indian Reservation
(Havre) H Earl Clack Memorial Museum
(Havre) Havre Beneath the Streets

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03/06 Coming to The Chinook area