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Community Care

Search Missoula Montana

Community Care is dedicated to prevent substance abuse by youth. It conducts innovative programs, workshops, activities and support services. The Insight program provides substance use prevention education. The 10 hour program is scheduled in 2 1/2 hours for four nights. Family orientation and awareness programs are also conducted. Alcohol, tobacco and other drug education for middle and high school are offered.

Location: 330 E Main St, Missoula Montana 59802 Telephone 406-549-2890

Other Education nearby:
(Missoula) Big Sky College of Barber Styling, Inc.
(Missoula) Camp Mak A Dream
(Missoula) Child Development Center
(Missoula) Community Care
(Missoula) Connole-Morton Schools
(Missoula) Missoula Children's Theatre

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