President Franklin Roosevelt approved construction of the Fort Peck Dam on the Missouri River in 1933. During the height of the Great Depression, the project provided much-needed work for the legions of unemployed men. When filled to capacity, the dam impounds a reservoir of 247,000 acres. It stands 250 feet high and is 3500 feet wide at its base.
The Fort Peck Dam Powerhouse Museum offers a fossil record of the plants and creatures of the late Cretaceous period to help explain the geological history of the river. The lobby has models and exhibits which tell the story of the building, operation, and benefits of the dam. Tours of the massive power plant are available.
The dam is located 12 miles southeast of Glasgow off Highway 2.
Open year round, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tours of the powerhouse are conducted 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. during the summer months. 526-3421.