Silver was discovered here in 1865 and in the same year, the Wier House was built for the mine's superintendent. It is now the only masonry residence in this ghost town. At the peak of its boom, Granite was thought to be the richest silver mine on earth. Little remains of the major hotel, 18 saloons and the Granite Rod and Gun Club. To find this undeveloped park, take Highway 10-A east of Philipsburg, go south on Fanfone Street and turn east on the gravel road opposite Center Street. Proceed about 4 miles to the townsite.
3201 Spurgin Road, Missoula Montana 59804
Other Montana State Parks nearby:
(Missoula) Beavertail Hill State Park
(Missoula) Council Grove State Park
(Missoula) Fort Owen State Park
(Missoula) Frenchtown Pond State Park
(Missoula) Granite Ghost Town State Park
(Missoula) Placid Lake State Park
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03/13 Coming to The Missoula area Buttermilk Festival Kamiah ID April6 Learn to make butter the old fashioned way with a modern day twist, and then enjoy your creation on some fresh baked Dutch oven bread. Take in the pancake breakfast, Buttermilk Bowl bowling tournament, horse plop 50/50 raffle, variety of vendors and live music throughout the day. Pierce 1860 Days Celebration Pierce ID August2-4 Celebrating the founding of the First Gold Rush Town in Idaho! Fun for the whole music, street dance, parade, games, costume contest, ATV Fun Run, Dutch Oven cooking, craft & food vendors, softball tournament, and more. Bitterroot Scottish Irish Festival Hamilton MT August24-25 Compete, play, and dance this August at the Marcus Daly Mansion.