Online Lodging Reservations
in Ensenada MX

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Reservations are available in Ensenada for the following properties.
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Room Rates are Shown for Comparison Only. Actual Rates May Vary.
Baja Beach ResortLenguete Arenosa Pnt Estero$2700-3400Check Rates
Best Value Inn EnsenadaAveninda Blancarte 130 Box$80 -110 Check Rates
Di Ensendada BajaAve Lopez Mateos 1050 1st$42.7-47.5Check Rates
Hotel Coral Y MarinaKm 103 Crrtra Tij Ens 3421$120 -315 Check Rates
Sierra Plaza BajamarCtr Escenica Tij Ensnda Km77 5$140 -170 Check Rates