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Southwinds Gallery

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Southwinds Gallery offers limited edition reproductions and selected original oils by Harry Jarman. Hand-made baskets on tattered hand-made quilts, rolling farmland with rural buildings or a shimmering ocean lapping upon warm sands near swaying seaoats are typical scenes in the Harry Jarman collection. His soft touch and rich color are handled with great feeling and knowledge, unsurpassed. The gallery displays a wide array of prints such as Morning Flight, Old Timers, Family Treasures, Bear Chested, Country Cupboard, Home Grown, and Southern Treat.

Location: 400 West Mountain Street, Kernersville North Carolina 27284 Telephone 336-993-0818

Other Art nearby:
(Winston Salem) Appalachian Photography
(Greensboro) Art Shop
(Greensboro) At Home Gallery
(Greensboro) Autumn Song Gallery
(Greensboro) Cavin and Stovall Photography
(Greensboro) City Arts Drama

03/13 Coming to The Kernersville area
Virginia Highlands Festival Abingdon VA August2-11 Showcasing Appalachian arts and crafts.
John Blue Cotton Festival Laurinburg NC October12-13 Performances on an outdoor stage,vendor area with beautifully displayed crafts, clothing, and artwork, and wonderful food prepared by all of the food vendors.