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Albemarle Stanly County Airport

Search New London North Carolina

Albemarle Stanly County Airport is located in the fifteen county area of the Charlotte Region. It can accommodate aircraft up to the Boeing 737-300 class. The airport has two paved and lighted runways. Facilities include tiedowns, hangers, waiting room, conference room, and flight instruction.

Location: 40659 Airport Road, New London North Carolina 28127 Telephone 704-982-9013 Fax 704-983-2003

Other Transportation nearby:
(New London) Albemarle Stanly County Airport
(Asheboro) Asheboro Municipal Airport
(Liberty) Causey Airport
(Charlotte) Charlotte/Douglas Int'l Airport
(Lexington) Davidson County Airport
(Indian Trail) Goose Creek Airport

03/18 Coming to The New London area
Virginia Highlands Festival Abingdon VA August2-11 Showcasing Appalachian arts and crafts.
John Blue Cotton Festival Laurinburg NC October12-13 Performances on an outdoor stage,vendor area with beautifully displayed crafts, clothing, and artwork, and wonderful food prepared by all of the food vendors.
