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Oak Hollow Lake Park and Marina

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Oak Hollow Yacht Club was organized in 1974 in co-operation with High Point Parks and Recreation. They are a public club formed to promote and enjoy the sport of sailing. Their members sail many different types of crafts, including monohulls, Catamarans and windsurfers.

Membership includes free boat launching at OHYC sponsored events held at Oak Hollow Lake. Oak Hollow Lake has 800 acres of open water. Swimming and jet skis are not permitted.

Location: 3431 N. Centennial Street, High Point North Carolina 27265 Telephone 336-883-3494

03/13 Coming to The High Point area
Virginia Highlands Festival Abingdon VA August2-11 Showcasing Appalachian arts and crafts.
John Blue Cotton Festival Laurinburg NC October12-13 Performances on an outdoor stage,vendor area with beautifully displayed crafts, clothing, and artwork, and wonderful food prepared by all of the food vendors.