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Ft. Totten State Historic Site

Search Ft. Totten North Dakota

Located on the southeastern edge of the town of Ft. Totten, this site preserves the best example of a frontier military post in the Trans-Mississippi West. It was built in 1867 and used continuously as a military reservation until 1890 when it became a boarding school for Indian children.

The brick buildings, which replaced an earlier log fort, appear much as they did when built of locally made brick. The site features seventeen original buildings, exhibits, video and the Pioneer Daughters' Museum.

The site is open from May 16 through September 15, daily. Modern facilities. Site admission fee.

Location: Hwy 57, Ft. Totten North Dakota Telephone 701-766-4441

Other History nearby:
(Binford) Camp Atchison State Historic Site
(Ft. Totten) Ft. Totten State Historic Site
(Jessie) Lake Jessie State Historic Site
(Devils Lake) Lake Region Heritage Center
(Devils Lake) Lake Region Museum
(Ft. Totten) Lake Region Pioneer Daughters Museum

03/06 Coming to The Ft. Totten area