Kimball is located in Kimball County (and is the county seat), east of Sidney off of US Hwy 80, near the wyoming boarder.
Kimball traces its history back to 1867 when the Union Pacific Railroad construction reached the site of the present day town's location.
Kimball originated in 1870 by the Union Pacific Railroad, a little settlement of adobe shacks to house the workers, and a water supply for the steam powered locomotives and residents of the area. Because of the prevalence of antelope, the town was known as Antelopeville. The town changed it's name to Kimball after Thomas Lord Kimball, general manager on the U.P., in 1885.
Newer additions to Kimball's industrial scene are the Poly-Pipe plant, manufacturing plastic pipe; and Castronics, Inc., a pipe-threading factory, in Kimball's industrial park.
Agriculture has continued to be a major factor in Kimball's economy, despite the occasional recurrence of hard times.