Oakland is located in Burt County north of Fremont, between Uehling and Lyons, just west of the Missouri River. The Summit Lake State Recreation Area and Pelican Point State Recreation Area are nearby. John Oak and his wife, Inger Askwig Oak, were among a band of 23 pioneers who struggled into Tekamah from Ottawa, a Norwegian settlement in LaSalle County, Iowa, in July 1855. John Oak homesteaded land in the Silver Creek Township north of Tekamah. By 1866, John Oak and his family moved to western Burt County. John assisted five families to locate homesteads in this beautiful rich Logan Creek Valley. Basic economic activities in the Oakland area include farming, cattle and hog production, feed processing, wholesale and retail sales, construction and medical services. Oakland continues to build on its strong foundation with its bi-annual Swedish Festival and is known by its proclamation from the Swedish Counsel General and Nebraska Governor as the "Swedish Capital of Nebraska."
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03/29 Coming to The area Orange City Tulip Festival Orange City IA May16-18 The Orange City Tulip Festival - an entertaining celebration of the best of small-town America - showcases for 100,000 visitors this thriving community's rich Dutch heritage. Festivities include music and dancing by hundreds of children and adults in intricate authentic costumes, two daily parades featuring top area marching bands, nightly musical theatre, a carnival midway, fun ethnic food treats, plus thousands of tulips and a dozen reproduction windmills throughout a charming village. Awesome Biker Nights Sioux City IA June13-15 Awesome Biker Nights is Northwest Iowa's premier regional motorcycle event with an attendance of over 25,000! Of course, even those who aren't traveling on two wheels are welcome at the event. The Awesome experience includes three stages of live music from National and Regional Bands, motorcycle stunt performances, a poker run through the beautiful countryside, a bike show, tattoo contest, poker tournament, bike raffle, vendors and more. Swedish Festival Stromberg NE June14-16 Welcome to Stromsberg, the Swede capital of Nebraska. Swedish dancing, costumes, and food can be enjoyed throughout the festivities. Glenn Miller Festival Clarinda IA June13-16 Hear exciting bands from around the world topped off by the World Famous Glenn Miller Orchestra. Enjoy the new Glenn Miller Birthplace Museum and the Birthplace Home; stage shows; picnics; dances; historical displays; plus the fellowship of hundreds of Miller fans from around the world.