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Search Ravenna Nebraska

Ravenna is located in Buffalo County 35 miles northwest of Grand Island, between Hazard and Cairo along Hwy 2 and the Loup River. The population estimate for July 1, 1998 was 1,271, a decrease of 46 since 1990.

The Lincoln Townsite Company, whom the Burlington favored with a job of purchasing and platting the new town, approached Erastus Smith with an offer of purchasing a substantial section of his farm for a townsite. Smith agreed, and the company was sold two-thirds interest in the area required, with Smith retaining every third lot. When the question of a name arose, a representative of the company suggested Ravenna after Ravenna, Italy, and the name stuck.

Ravenna has five city parks covering seven acres. Fishing, pheasant & deer hunting, and golf at Ravenna's own country club are all popular recreation activities to be had.

Bed and Breakfasts and Country Inns Aunt Betty's Bed and Breakfast |

See more Nebraska Cities and Towns.

03/06 Coming to The area
Swedish Festival Stromberg NE June14-16 Welcome to Stromsberg, the Swede capital of Nebraska. Swedish dancing, costumes, and food can be enjoyed throughout the festivities.