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"Swede Capital of Nebraska"

Search Stromsburg Nebraska

Stromsburg is located in Polk County northeast of Grand Island, between Osceola and York along US Hwy 81 and the Big Blue River.

The population estimate for July 1, 1998 was 1,243, an increase of 2 since 1990.

In 1856, 155 people from Ockelbo traveled to America. After several years in Illinois, some of the people decided to move on to the state of Nebraska, with Swedish real estate agent Lewis Headstrom as their leader. Delighted that the landscape resembled their homeland, they chose to name their new town after Stromsborg, a section of Ockelbo, Sweden.

Two Parks Trail provides safe biking and walking from the City Square to Buckley Park which is located on the southwest edge of Stromsburg. Because the trail goes under the highway, it is reassuring to the parents of children who use that route to go to ball games, swimming, and other activities. Free camping and RV parking spaces with electric hookups are available in Buckley Park.

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03/25 Coming to The area
Awesome Biker Nights Sioux City IA June13-15 Awesome Biker Nights is Northwest Iowa's premier regional motorcycle event with an attendance of over 25,000! Of course, even those who aren't traveling on two wheels are welcome at the event. The Awesome experience includes three stages of live music from National and Regional Bands, motorcycle stunt performances, a poker run through the beautiful countryside, a bike show, tattoo contest, poker tournament, bike raffle, vendors and more.
Swedish Festival Stromberg NE June14-16 Welcome to Stromsberg, the Swede capital of Nebraska. Swedish dancing, costumes, and food can be enjoyed throughout the festivities.
