St. Michael Roman Catholic Parish, located in
Exeter, is a diverse community that is welcoming and family oriented. Guided by the Holy Spirit, St. Michael Parish serves as a beacon of Christ’s light and hope for those growing in faith and striving for holiness. Aware of the societal challenges that can distract us from our baptismal call, they strive to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and to follow the teachings of their faith: to know, love and serve God.
Involvement in the church by parisheners is important to its members. Therefore they have a Pastoral Council, which consists of eight members nominated and discerned from within the Parish Community and representatives from the various commissions as well as the professional staff. There are six commissions--Liturgy, Community Affairs, Christian Formation, Youth, Social and Finance and Administration--that fulfill this function. Instruction for the youth members of the church is also offered.