Chimayo is in Rio Arriba County, and in the North Central New Mexico region. Chimayo can be found just north of Santa Fe between Dixon and Los Alamos along Highway 503 on the banks of the Rio Grande River near Santa Cruz Lake.
Around 1810, a Chimayo friar was performing penances and saw a light protruding from a mountain side. While digging, he found a crucifix. So he pronounced the great crucifix to Our Lord of Esquipulas. A local priest brought the crucifix to Santa Cruz; Although, three times it disappeared and was later found back in its hole. By the third time, everyone realized that El Senor de Esquipulas was destined to remain in Chimayo. So a small chapel was built on the site. Then the miraculous healings began. The healings grew so numerous that a larger chapel had to be built in its replace. The Chimayo Shrine -- an adobe mission -- in 1816.