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Elephant Butte Dam/Recreation Area

Search Truth or Consequences New Mexico

The park (five miles northeast of Truth or Consequences) is home to New Mexico's largest lake, which is 45 miles long and four miles wide, with 38,000 surface acres. The lake has excellent fishing for black and white bass, catfish, pike, crappie and trout, also boating, waterskiing, and hiking. There are picnic sites, water fountains and restrooms, RV hookups, and a nine-hole golf course nearby. Also a wonderful visitor center with exhibits describing area history and the story of ElephantButte Dam.

Location: Truth or Consequences C. of C., PO Drawer 31, Truth or Consequences New Mexico 87901 Telephone 800-831-9487

Other New Mexico State Parks nearby:
(Truth or Consequences]) Caballo Lake State Park Visitors Ctr.
(Faywood) City of Rocks State Park
(Truth or Consequences) Elephant Butte Dam/Recreation Area
(Truth-Consequences) Elephant Butte Lake State Park
(Truth or Consequences) Percha Dam State Park

03/28 Coming to The Truth or Consequences area