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Bread and Roses Country Inn

Search Annapolis Royal Nova Scotia

Elegant Queen Anne Revival mansion features period antiques and unique architectural details. Registered Provincial Heritage Property (c.1882). Nine large rooms with private baths, just two blocks to major attractions. Bike and motorcycle storage. Pay phone. No pets, please. . Complimentary Southern-style light breakfast. Open year-round. Rates from $90; off-season rates available. A non-smoking property.

Location: 82 Victoria St, Annapolis Royal Nova Scotia B0S 1A0 Telephone 902-532-5727 Toll Free: 888-899-0551

Other Bed and Breakfasts and Country Inns nearby:
(Aylesford) Back Inn Tyme Bed & Breakfast
(Barton) Barton House B&B
(Digby) Bayside Inn
(Berwick) Berwick Inn
(Annapolis Royal) Bread and Roses Country Inn
(Kingston) Brooklyn Meadows Bed & Breakfast

03/14 Coming to The Annapolis Royal area