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Cape Chignecto Provincial Park

Search Advocate Harbour Nova Scotia

On Rte 209 near Advocate harbour, 28 miles W of Parrsboro. Wilderness hike-in campsites and picnic area overlooking Bay of Fundy. Pit toilets. Interpretive Center. 45km (28-mile) coastal trail; complete loop 38 miles. Beaches, dramatic cliffs, steep ravines, old-growth forests. Reservations required. 35 unserviced campsites (wilderness). Open 19 May-19 Oct. Rates, $14 plus park entrance fee ($2/$10 season).

Location: Rte 209, Advocate Harbour Nova Scotia Telephone 902-392-2085 Toll Free: 424-5937

Other Nova Scotia Provincial Parks nearby:
(Advocate Harbour) Cape Chignecto Provincial Park
(Parrsboro) Five Islands Provincial Park
(Brooklyn) Smiley's Provincial Park

03/18 Coming to The Advocate Harbour area
