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Lansdowne Lodge

Search Upper Stewiacke Nova Scotia

Licensed hunting and fishing guide and outfitter. Main lodge accommodations includes five rooms, private shower/baths. Hunting and fishing lodge offers five rooms with two shared shower/baths. Meals by reservation only. Open year-round; call for rates. Major credit cards accepted.

Location: Box 29, Upper Stewiacke Nova Scotia B0N 2P0 Telephone 671-2749

Other Motels, Hotels and Resorts nearby:
(Enfield) Airport Hotel Halifax
(Falmouth) Avonside Motel
(Truro) Berry's Motel
(Truro) Best Western Glengarry Hotel
(Dartmouth) Best Western Mic Mac Hotel
(Grand Pre) Blomidon View Motel

03/17 Coming to The Upper Stewiacke area