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Search Springhill Nova Scotia

Springhill in Cumberland County, Population: 3,269, is south of Amherst. The drive along Nova Scotia's Hwy-2 from Truro to Springhill follows the Atlantic Coast for 35 miles past the World's Highest Tides, and is one of the World's most beautiful and impressive drives.

The home town of the Anne Murray Centre.

It is best known as the site of a famous mine disaster. It's miner's memorial is dedicated to those hundreds of miners who died at work is a national historic site.

Springhill is also the home of North America's first true trade union and is the home of some of Canada's most exceptional war heroes. The Springhill Town War Memorial commemorates and records the names of Victoria Cross and many other exceptional gallantry award winners.

A community that's lost half its population since the mining disasters of the '50s but hasn't quit fighting.

History Anne Murray Centre | Tour a Mine/Springhill Miners' Museum |
Motels, Hotels and Resorts Rollways Motel & Restaurant |

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03/18 Coming to The area