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Stonehouse Motel & Restaurant

Search Truro Nova Scotia

Off Hwy 102, exit 13. Licensed restaurant 6am-9pm. Forty A/C units including executive rooms, triple rooms for families, kitchenettes, full kichens and mini-suites. Non-smoking, handicapped accessible. CBTV. Open year-round. Rates, $50-60 (single/double/king), extra person $10; off-season rates. All major credit cards and direct debit accepted.

Location: 165 Willow St, Truro Nova Scotia B2N 4Z9 Telephone 902-893-9413 Fax 7-9937

Other Motels, Hotels and Resorts nearby:
(Enfield) Airport Hotel Halifax
(Falmouth) Avonside Motel
(Truro) Berry's Motel
(Truro) Best Western Glengarry Hotel
(Amherst) Comfort Inn Amherst
(New Glasgow) Comfort Inn New Glasgow

03/17 Coming to The Truro area
