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White House Guest House

Search Shubenacadie Nova Scotia

Features pastoral setting overlooking the Shubenacadie River, one-half mile from wildlife park. Near Mastodon Ridge, river rafting and local native craft shops. Accommodations include one non-smoking room with private entrance, tub bath, TV, percolator, fridge; guests receive complimentary teas, coffee. Open June 1-September 30; off-season by reservation. Typical rate, $55 (double).

Location: Rte 224 off Hwy 2, Shubenacadie Nova Scotia Telephone 758-3784

Other Motels, Hotels and Resorts nearby:
(Enfield) Airport Hotel Halifax
(Kentville) Allen's Motel
(Falmouth) Avonside Motel
(Truro) Berry's Motel
(Truro) Best Western Glengarry Hotel
(Dartmouth) Best Western Mic Mac Hotel

03/17 Coming to The Shubenacadie area