Witness the epic life story of the legendary Shawnee leader as he struggles to defend his sacred homelands in the Ohio country during the late 1700's. The hugh outdoor stages of the Sugarloaf Mountain Amphitheatre afford the audience a unique viewing experience. Sheer spectacle surrounds you with a herd of galloping horses, live military cannon in action, and the dazzling battle sequences offered on the American stage. Quality production elements such as the play's hauntingly beautiful Native American Music Score - recorded exclusively by The London Symphony Orchestra - and its narration sequences, (recorded by Native American actor Graham Greene), continue to thrill audience members of all ages. This professionally produced outdoor drama is written by seven-time Pulitzer Prize nominee and Emmy recipient, Allan W. Eckert. Over 2 million visitors have witnessed this great outdoor drama, making it the most popular of it kind in the entire Mid-Western United States.
P.O. BOX 73, Chillicothe Ohio 45601
740-775-0700 Toll Free: 866-775-0700
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