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Black Kettle National Grasslands

Search Cheyenne Oklahoma

Black Kettle National Grasslands is located in western Oklahoma in Roger Mills cy and is named in honor of the last great Choctaw warrior-chief. It is comprised of 31,300 acres of which about 575 are in Texas. The Washita River enters the area from the west on its way to emptying into Foss Lake.

There are five developed recreation areas including Lake Marvin and Lake McClellan in Texas, and Black Kettle Recreation Area, Skipout Lake, and Spring Creek Lake in Oklahoma.

Location: Route 1, Box 55-B, Cheyenne Oklahoma 73628 Telephone 580-497-2143 Fax 580-497-2379

Other National Grasslands nearby:
(Cheyenne) Black Kettle National Grasslands

03/06 Coming to The Cheyenne area