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Harper County

Search Buffalo Oklahoma

Harper county, created in 1907 and named for O.G. Harper, a clerk at the Constitutional Convention, is located in northwestern Oklahoma abutting the Panhandle Region with Buffalo serving as the county seat.

The major waterway in the county is the North Canadian River which enters from Beaver County about halfway up the western county line. It flows southeasterly exiting the county near Fort Supply Military Park. The Cimarron River makes a brief appearnace in the northwestern corner of the county.

The main thoroughfares are U.S. Highways 183, running north and south and 64 which travels east and west and intersect at Buffalo.

No fewer than 10 ghost towns have been identified within the county's borders including Lovedale and Selman just southeast of Buffalo.

The county population on July 1, 1999, was 3,580, a decrease of 483 over the 1990 census.

Location: Buffalo Oklahoma

Other Oklahoma Counties nearby:
(Beaver) Beaver County
(Buffalo) Harper County
(Alva) Woods County
(Woodward) Woodward County

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