Alpha Farm is an intentional community of people who have chosen to live and work together to share a more harmonious way of living.
In 1971, four people in Philadelphia discovered a strong bond of agreement among them - a rural, holistic community needed to happen, like-minded people gathered, and community life began. Named after Alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet, meaning "the beginning."
Compared to that of mainstream America, life at Alpha is simple. We heat principally with wood, and do not have some of the amenities that are frequently taken for granted, such as broadcast television. But we live comfortably nonetheless, and on a fraction of the resources ordinarily required.
Please Note: Alpha Farm is considering restructuring. The web pages on their website represent Alpha's 33-year past. It is unclear what our future direction will be, but it will be shaped by the values and history represented here. We still welcome correspondence and visitors while going through our changes.
Follow this link to the Online Highways page for the Alpha-Bit Restaraunt.