This scenic, moderate 11.7 mile trail parallels Owl Creek and Black Canyon Creek for the length of the wilderness, descending from near the summit of Wolf Mountain to the South Fork of the John Day River. The trail passes through open ponderosa pine forest, mixed conifer forest, meadows, grassy slopes, and ends in a narrow canyon between basalt cliffs. The trail is maintained every year to primitive standards. Contact the Paulina Ranger District for more information.
Directions: From Paulina, travel 11 miles toward Rager Ranger Station to Forest Road #58. Follow FR #58 11 miles through Rager Ranger Station to FR #5840, then 6 miles on FR #5840 to Mud Spring Campground. Continue on FR #5840 an additional 3.7 miles to Dusty Camp Trailhead. The trailhead is signed. There is a small, unimproved parking area and one unimproved campsite located near the trailhead.