WELCOME TO CASCADE LOCKS MUSEUM - Born of united community dedication in 1969 and managed by a city appointed seven-member commission. Cascade Locks takes genuine pride in the presentation of a precious piece of history preserved for your enjoyment and that of future generations.
Featuring the history of the Bridge of the Gods, early river navigation, and development of the portage and locks around the Cascade rapids.
Construction of the Government Locks and Canal around the rapids began in 1878, continuing for 20 years until the unique, water-powered locks and canal were finished.
The museum is the home of the Oregon Pony, the first steam locomotive used in Oregon Territory and the first to be built on the Pacific Coast . 1 NW Portage Road near Port Marina Park in Cascade Locks.
The Museum features photos, information and artifacts on:
- Rapids
- Steamboats
- Locks
- Railroads
- Portage Road
- Logging
- Sawmills
- Schools
- Fishwheels
- Indians
- Tools
- And much more!
This is just one of the many Historical Museums located throughout Oregon.
Open May-September.