Cougar Lake project is on the South Fork of the
McKenzie River about 42 miles east of
Eugene. Cougar Dam is a rockfill stucture with a gated concrete spillway and outlet works for regulating lake levels. It was completed in 1963 at a cost of $54.2 million.
Visitor viewpoint built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at both sides of the dam offer spectacular views of the valley downstream and the vistas upstream around the lake. Most of the recreation facilities, managed by the U.S.D.A. Forest Service - Oregon, are located within the Willamette National Forest. Overnight camping is available at all USFS campgrounds.
The scenic 1280-acre lake with its many miles of forested shoreline provides many opportunities for outdoor recreation. The lake has a good reputation for trout fishing and has several boat launching locations.
Guided tours are available by request. Phone or write Project Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, General Delivery, Foster OR 97345.
Cougar Lake is not far from another Corps project, Blue River Lake.