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Fort Rock Homestead Village Museum

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The Fort Rock Valley Historical Society founded in 1981. The museum is comprised of a collection of original pioneer buildings moved from their original location to the museum site. Included in the collection are a school, a church, houses, cabins and miscellaneous buildings. The reception building houses a small gift shop and modern rest rooms.

There are several interesting geologic oddities in this desert landscape. Sandal Cave, named for the ancient sandals found there, is located about 1 mile west of the museum. 9,000 years ago, the cave was the residence of sandal wearing humans. The Fort Rock was itself a volcano and was used by early Native Americans 13,000 years ago. The is a huge sink hole caused by the collapse of a lava dome and a huge crack in the earth, about 2 miles long and 70 feet deep.

The museum is open: Memorable Day weekend through the week end after Labor Day; Friday Saturday Sunday 9 AM to Dusk. Groups and Tours are accommodated on off days and on special occasions off season Arrangements must be made in advance.

Location: PO Box 84 , Fort Rock Oregon 97735 Telephone 541-576-2251

Other History nearby:
(Chemult) Dawson House Lodge
(Fort Rock) Fort Rock Homestead Village Museum

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