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Grande Ronde Youth Orchestra

Sponsored by the Grande Ronde Symphony Association and Eastern Oregon State College

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The orchestra, now in its fourth season, was started because there are no orchestra programs in the public schools in the area. Membership is open to school-aged youngsters in Union, Wallowa, and Baker counties who play an orchestral instrument.

Auditions are required but are usually not fatal. There are currently 54 young musicians in the orchestra, ranging from grade school age on up.

Concert dates are usually held on December 12, March 20 and May 22.

Our director is Eastern adjunct music faculty member, Anthony Marks. Rehearsals are Thursday afternoons from 4:00 to 5:30 in Room 123, Mary Jane Loso Hall, on the EOSC campus. Concerts are held in McKenzie Theater in the same building at 5:00 pm.

Location: La Grande Oregon 97850 Telephone 541-962-3855

Other La Grande nearby:
(La Grande) Grande Ronde Symphony Orchestra
(Lagrande) Grande Ronde Valley
(La Grande) Grande Ronde Youth Orchestra

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