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Long Creek

Search Long Creek Oregon

Long Creek is located in Grant County south of Pendleton, between Dale and Mt Vernon along US Highway 395.

Long Creek and the surrounding area offers dramatic geologic formations with plenty of recreation in the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, North Fork John Day Wilderness area, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness Area, Black Canyon Wilderness area and the Malheur National Forest.

Sagebrush, juniper, grassy valleys and pine forests, as well as many streams, rivers, lakes and hot springs compliment this area. Thousands of acres of public land offer many Outdoor Activities, such as: Backpacking, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, hunting, fishing, horseback riding, or scenic driving.

Motels, Hotels, and Resorts Long Creek Lodge |

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03/06 Coming to The area
John Scharff Migratory Bird Festival Burns OR April11-14 Enjoy witnessing the spectacular spring migration in the Harney Basin of southeast Oregon. View thousands of migratory birds, from waterfowl and songbirds to raptors and cranes.