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Paisley Caves

Search Paisley Oregon

The Paisley Caves are located in the Summer Lake Basin north of Paisley in south-central Oregon. The site is composed of 8 caves and rockshelters in a west facing ridge.

Dry desert caves, like those at Paisley 5 Mile Ridge, are wonderful repositories for perishable items that do not ordinarily survive in open sites. Unfortunately, humans are not the only process by which remains come to be deposited in caves. Rats, squirrels, raptors, carnivores, wind, water, and gravity all contribute to the formation and alteration of cave deposits.

Location: Paisley Oregon

Other History nearby:
(Paisley) Paisley Caves

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03/13 Coming to The Paisley area
John Scharff Migratory Bird Festival Burns OR April11-14 Enjoy witnessing the spectacular spring migration in the Harney Basin of southeast Oregon. View thousands of migratory birds, from waterfowl and songbirds to raptors and cranes.