Akta Lakota of Chamberlain is an American Indian Museum that features artifacts and art work of the Sioux. The Atka Lakota Museum and Cultural Center is under the authority of local, St. Joseph's Indian School, and is open year round with the exception of holidays. It is affiliated with the Association of South Dakota Museums.
PO Box 89, Take Exit 263 of I-90, Chamberlain South Dakota 57325
605-734-3455 Toll Free: 800-798-3452
Other History nearby:
(Fort Thompson) Crow Creek Pow Wow
(Wessington Springs) Dean Annex
(Chamberlain) St. Joseph's Indian School
(Chamberlain) The Atka Lakota Museum
03/14 Coming to The Chamberlain area South Dakota BBQ Championships Huron SD May31-June1 Anyone can compete in the backyard BBQ Competition. Meat is provided so you don't need to bring any. Antique Power Show Huron SD June15-17 Experience the days of antique tractors, cars, steam and stationary gas engines. 150 exhibits and displays, entertainment, demonstrations, flea market, parade and tractor and car games. Sully County Fair Onida SD August9-12 kicking off the fair with a parade through Onida on Thursday, at 6:27 p.m. The parade will end up at the fairgrounds where we will be having cake, refreshments and music.