Canton, in Dakota Heritage & Lakes Region, is the county seat of Lincoln County, and is located east of I-29 on US 18 near the state's border with Iowa. Canton is southeast of the Sioux Falls, South Dakota metro area. In June 1868 settlers began to arrive in the Sioux Valley portion of the county by wagon train. The first settlers must have been struck by the richness and beauty of the area. They got their first glimpse of the valley from the bluffs of the Big Sioux River. The sight of the waist-high prairie grass the tree-lined river and the springs was enough to convince many that this was home. Canton has a rich Norwegian heritage.
South Dakota Counties Lincoln County |
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03/16 Coming to The area Orange City Tulip Festival Orange City IA May16-18 The Orange City Tulip Festival - an entertaining celebration of the best of small-town America - showcases for 100,000 visitors this thriving community's rich Dutch heritage. Festivities include music and dancing by hundreds of children and adults in intricate authentic costumes, two daily parades featuring top area marching bands, nightly musical theatre, a carnival midway, fun ethnic food treats, plus thousands of tulips and a dozen reproduction windmills throughout a charming village. South Dakota BBQ Championships Huron SD May31-June1 Anyone can compete in the backyard BBQ Competition. Meat is provided so you don't need to bring any. Teapot Days Tea SD June13-15 Enjoy the carnival, view antique tractors and equipment, and watch the crowning of Ma and Pa Teapot. Awesome Biker Nights Sioux City IA June13-15 Awesome Biker Nights is Northwest Iowa's premier regional motorcycle event with an attendance of over 25,000! Of course, even those who aren't traveling on two wheels are welcome at the event. The Awesome experience includes three stages of live music from National and Regional Bands, motorcycle stunt performances, a poker run through the beautiful countryside, a bike show, tattoo contest, poker tournament, bike raffle, vendors and more. Antique Power Show Huron SD June15-17 Experience the days of antique tractors, cars, steam and stationary gas engines. 150 exhibits and displays, entertainment, demonstrations, flea market, parade and tractor and car games. Turner County Fair Parker SD August12-15 South Dakota's oldest county fair. The four best days of summer.