Offered are: Books, Magazines, Cassette Tapes, Vertical File/Pamphlets, Reference Materials, Videos, Interlibrary Loans, Special Collections, Photocopier, Adult Basic Education/New Readers;
Story & Craft Hour, Book Discussion Groups, Computer: Use existing programs on a Gateway Pentium with CD ROM and Internet with DSL. Genealogy research computer available. There is a 10ยข charge per page (Scanner Available).
447 Crook Street, Custer South Dakota 57730
605-673-8178 Fax 59
Other Public Libraries nearby:
(Custer) Custer County Library
(Hill City) Hill City Public Library
(Ellsworth AFB) Holbrook Library
(Hot Springs) Hot Springs Public Library
(Keystone) Keystone Town Library
(Rapid City) Rapid City Public Library
03/21 Coming to The Custer area Rawhide Pageant & Sr. Pro Rodeo Lusk WY July12-13 The Legend of Rawhide is an annual celebration of the history, legend, and Western heritage of Niobrara County. Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Sturgis SD August5-11 Since 1938, Sturgis has welcomed motorcycle enthusiasts from across the United States and around the world to the annual Motorcycle Rally. Based out of this small community in the northern Black Hills, the Rally officially runs for seven days every August.