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Murdo Municipal Airport

Search Murdo South Dakota

Murdo Municipal Airport serves Murdo and Jones County and is owned by the City of Murdo. The paved runway extends for 3400 feet. The facility is at an elevation of 2263 feet at a distance of about three miles from Murdo.

Location: Murdo South Dakota 57559 Telephone 605-669-2272

Other Transportation nearby:
(Murdo) Murdo Municipal Airport
(Philip) Philip Airport
(Pierre) Pierre Regional Airport
(Presho) Presho Municipal Airport
(White River) White River Municipal Airport

03/24 Coming to The Murdo area
Sully County Fair Onida SD August9-12 kicking off the fair with a parade through Onida on Thursday, at 6:27 p.m. The parade will end up at the fairgrounds where we will be having cake, refreshments and music.