Online Highways Home > South Dakota > Murdo

Jones County

Search Murdo South Dakota

The county seat of Jones County, South Dakota, is Murdo. It lies in the Black Hills, Badlands & Lakes Region. The county population on July 1, 1999, was 1,204, a decrease of 120 over the 1990 census.

For information on county government, contact the National Association of Counties Web site.

Additional information is available at these pages:

Location: Murdo South Dakota 57559

Other South Dakota Counties nearby:
(Philip) Haakon County
(Pierre) Hughes County
(Kadoka) Jackson County
(Murdo) Jones County
(Kennebec) Lyman County
(White River) Mellette County

03/14 Coming to The Murdo area
Sully County Fair Onida SD August9-12 kicking off the fair with a parade through Onida on Thursday, at 6:27 p.m. The parade will end up at the fairgrounds where we will be having cake, refreshments and music.