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Buchanan Arms Hotel

& Leisure Club

Search Drymen

By Loch Lomond, Buchanan Arms Hotel offers rooms for visitors to Drymen. Those who prefer will find family rooms available.

Play the fabulous Buchanan Castle Golf Course and Aberfoyle Golf Course.

Directions: 28 km northwest of Glasgow. 27 km west of Stirling, off A811.

Tel: +44(0)1360 660588 or +44(0)1360 660369 Fax: 01360 660943.

Location: By Loch Lomond, Stirlingshire, Drymen G63 0BQ

Other Hotels and Resorts nearby:
(Glasgow) Argyll Hotel
(Drymen) Buchanan Arms Hotel
(Sannox) Ingledene Hotel & Restaurant
(Glasgow) Jurys Glasgow Hotel
(Kildonan) Kildonan Hotel
(Ballater) Monaltrie Hotel

03/14 Coming to The Drymen area
