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Annie Riggs Memorial Museum

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Located in an 1899 adobe brick and wood hotel that once catered to passengers on the Overland-Butterfield Stage. The museum has original furnishings, clothing, guns saddles and documents. Every other Thursday night from June through September, folk music concerts are held at the Museum. The outdoor programs are free and visitors are especially welcome. The Annie Riggs Memorial Museum is open seven days a week, and is located at the corner of Main and Callaghan. There is a small charge.

Location: 301 South Main St., Fort Stockton Texas 79735 Telephone 915-336-2167

Other History nearby:
(Fort Stockton) Annie Riggs Memorial Museum
(Fort Stockton) Courthouse Square
(Iraan) Discovery Well No. 1
(Fort Stockton) Grey Mule Saloon
(Fort Stockton) Historic Fort Stockton
(Iraan) Iraan Archaeological Museum

03/06 Coming to The Fort Stockton area