The Ballpark in Arlington is another production of the neotraditional ballpark design movement. The stadium, which opened on April 1, 1994, is up-to-date in most ways. It provides plentiful parking, two levels of skyboxes, club seating, a sports bar, a large gift shop, and all the other bells and whistles known to today's ballpark designers.
1000 Ballpark Way, Arlington Texas 76011
817-273-5222 Fax 817-273-5206
Other Sports and Sporting Events nearby:
(No Richland Hills) Adventure World Park
(Weatherford) Anderson-Dapelo Pecan Valley Ranch
(Berkely) Backroads Bicycle Touring
(Dallas) Bernie Dworkin and Associates
(North Richland Hills) Blue Line Ice Complex
(No Richland Hills) Davis Boulevard Catfish Ponds