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Buffalo Lake National Wildlife Refuge

Search Canyon Texas

One of the major waterfowl refuges on the Central Flyway, Buffalo Lake NWR is a winter haven for a million ducks and 80,000 geese. Once known was Tierra Blanca Water Conservation Project, the lake now holds very little water but the refuge about 12 miles west continues to draw visitors to its interpretive trails. Activities include picnicking, sightseeing, photography and campsites with tables and grills. No water or electricity.

Location: 3 miles S of Umbarger on FM168, Canyon Texas

Other Wildlife Viewing nearby:
(Amarillo) Amarillo Zoo
(Canyon) Buffalo Lake National Wildlife Refuge
(Amarillo) Panhandle's Best, Inc.
(Amarillo) Straight Line Outfitters
(Tulia) Tule Creek Outfitters

03/06 Coming to The Canyon area