Mary Sean O'Reilly chose her kennel name in honor of Cavan (An Cabn) County in Ireland, from which her family hales; her great-grandfather raised Whippets in Ireland for many years. 'Cavan' means 'the Hollow Place,' and Cavan Kennels is a 'happy hollow' located west of the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, a quiet and friendly environment in which Bullmastiffs are raised and conditioned for responsiveness to family and show life. O'Reilly has been devoted to the breed since raising her first Bully in the early 1980s; Cavan Kennels was established in 1994. Cavan Kennels breeds to the standard for gentle temperament and classic structure; careful consideration is given to line breeding from well-established American and British stock. A quality litter is produced once every 2 years; fawn, brindle and red coat colors are usually available. Whether you are still considering a Bullmastiff or have already decided to acquire this noble breed, Cavan Kennels.
PO Box 136834, Fort Worth Texas 76136
Toll Free: 888-361-7502 Fax 817 448-8150
Other Wildlife Viewing nearby:
(Fort Worth) Cavan Kennels
(Dallas) Dallas Zoo
(Fort Worth) Fort Worth Nature Center and Refuge
(Fort Worth) Fort Worth Zoo
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(Uvalde) Golden Triangle Outfitters