Located at the intersection of three major terrain regions, Fort McKavett Ranch features 12,000 acres of land. It specializes in whitetail hunts, turkey hunts, and exotic hunts. Guests can reside in a modern and comfortable 2800 sq. ft. main lodge. The lodge has five bedrooms, three baths, central heat and air conditioning, fire place, full kitchen, two sitting areas, and satellite TV. Whether you plan to hunt individually, with your family, with a group, or as a business outing, Fort McKavett Ranch offers you great hunting, warm hospitality, and comfortable accommodations.
P O Box 1150, Sonora Texas 76950
325-387-3108 Toll Free: 877-747-3008 Fax 325-387-3770
Other Sports and Sporting Events nearby:
(Ozona) Crockett County Memorial Fair Park
(Sonora) Fort McKavett Ranch
(Sonora) Matador Ranch
(Sonora) Rafter W Ranches Guided Hunts
03/14 Coming to The Sonora area Wild Hog Festival and Craft Fair Sabinal TX March22-24 The annual World Championship Wild Hog Catching Contest features a two-person team chasing a wild hog in a pen, capturing the hog, placing it in a burlap sack and crossing the finish line in the fastest time.