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Search Daingerfield Texas

Daingerfield, the county seat of Morris County, is on the Louisiana and Arkansas Railroad at the intersection of Hwys 11 and 49 and US 259. It is claimed that the first Europeans to visit the area camped by a spring near what is now the center of town around 1740.

The town's principal employers in 1980 included the Lone Star Steel Company, a garment factory, a chemical factory, and a roofing-products factory. In 1990 the population was 2,572.

Boating, swimming, camping, and hunting facilities are available at Daingerfield State Recreation Area, Ellison Creek Reservoir, and Lake O' the Pines; Monticello, Welsh, Texarkana, and Caddo lakes are all located within twenty-five miles of Daingerfield.

Ellison Creek Reservoir |

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