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Llano is located southwest of Temple and west of Georgetown on Hwy 29 where it meets Hwys 16 and 71 on the banks of the Llano River.

It is the largest town in, and seat of, Llano County.

In the 1920s Llano was a major shipping point for cattle; the cotton industry flourished in the county through the 1930s but declined thereafter into insignificance. Granite quarrying and finishing retained their importance, amounting to a million-dollar-a-year industry by the 1950s.

By 1964, Llano was an important link in the Highland Lakes chain of tourist areas and attracted many hunters during the deer season. A winery, feed processing, and insecticide and commercial talc production represented new industry.

The population of Llano was 2,960 in 1950, 3,071 in 1980, and 2,962 in 1990.

RV campgrounds and dealers Llano City-County Parks |

See more Texas Cities and Towns.

03/16 Coming to The area
Wild Hog Festival and Craft Fair Sabinal TX March22-24 The annual World Championship Wild Hog Catching Contest features a two-person team chasing a wild hog in a pen, capturing the hog, placing it in a burlap sack and crossing the finish line in the fastest time.
Paluxy River Spring Bluegrass Festival Glen Rose TX April4-6 Live entertainment in historic Oakdale Park.
Old Settlers Music Festival Driftwood TX April18-21 Central Texas' signature music event featuring Grammy-winning Americana, arts and craft, camping, food, and libations.
Austin Yoga Conference Austin TX May11-12 Mehtab, Kyra Haglund, Charlotte Matsumura, and Gioconda are among the master yoga teachers who will appear at the Austin Yoga Conference.
Cactus Pear Music Festival San Antonio TX July5-15 A classical music festival inspired by the cactus pear margarita.
