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Rocksprings, the county seat of Edwards County, and is located at the junction of US 377 and Hwy 55, 120 miles northwest of San Antonio in the central part of the county. The site was selected in 1891 by J. R. Sweeten because of the natural springs bubbling forth from the rocks.

Edwards County was one of the top producers of wool and mohair in the world.

Hunting and fishing revenues account for 20 percent of the city and county income. The state of Texas has purchased 1,700 acres of land surrounding the Devil's Sinkhole, a natural cave descending 150 feet in a sheer drop, for a wildlife preserve seven miles north of the town. The Edwards County Airport, several motels and restaurants, and a general store are located there.

The town grew as the county population grew, reaching 998 in 1931, 1,433 in 1952, 1,248 in 1980, and 1,339 in 1990.

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