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Live Oak County

Search George West Texas

The county seat of Live Oak County, Texas, is George West. The county population on July 1, 1999, was 10,103, an increase of 547 over the 1990 census.

For information on county government, contact the National Association of Counties Web site.

Additional information is available at these pages:

Location: George West Texas

Other Texas Counties nearby:
(Beeville) Bee County
(Goliad) Goliad County
(George West) Live Oak County
(Tilden) McMullen County
(Refugio) Refugio County
(Sinton) San Patricio County

03/18 Coming to The George West area
Wild Hog Festival and Craft Fair Sabinal TX March22-24 The annual World Championship Wild Hog Catching Contest features a two-person team chasing a wild hog in a pen, capturing the hog, placing it in a burlap sack and crossing the finish line in the fastest time.
Cactus Pear Music Festival San Antonio TX July5-15 A classical music festival inspired by the cactus pear margarita.
