The unique towers featured in the six well preserved ruins within the monument look like European castles, which were, coincidentally, built during the same period. Trails loop around many of the structures, and ranger-guided tours are available throughout the day. One campground is located within the monument, which is located 20 miles north of Aneth and accessible by a paved road.
The early inhabitants of the Hovenweep area were Pueblo Indians; the remains of their multiple-roomed pueblos, cliff dwellings and towers are scattered over the slopes of the canyons. The best preserved and most impressive site of the six groups is the Square Tower Ruins and Cajon Ruins, in Utah. The Square Tower site includes a ranger station, where directions to sites of ruins can be obtained; all sites but Square Tower are difficult to locate without assistance. Park rangers are on duty at Monument Headquarters, located at Square Tower, year-round.